Durham PreK Quality Subcommittee

The Quality Subcommittee for Durham PreK is a content-specific advisory committee established by the program's Governance Committee.


All Durham children, regardless or race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status, are reading on grade-level by the end of third grade.


Expand opportunities for all 4-year-old children in Durham to attend high-quality early learning programs.


The Subcommittee studies the latest research and reviews program needs to develop quality standards and policies. The work of the subcommittee is submitted to the Durham PreK Governance Committee for approval. The quality recommendations from Durham's Community Early Education/Preschool Task Force report form the foundation of this subcommittee's work.

Work to Date

  • Developed Durham PreK's Family Engagement Standards
  • Currently researching strategies to support children with unique needs and challenging behaviors to ensure each classroom is effective in teaching children.
  • Future focus areas include curriculum and assessment, dual language learners and their families, culturally competent practices and children's social and emotional development needs.
  • Approved the Durham PreK Equity Plan with Priorities for SY21-22. The Equity Plan was presented to the Durham PreK Governance Committee in May 2022.
  • Developed the Wrap Around Care Report, Toward Equity in Durham PreK, Addressing the Accessibility of Wraparound Care as a Barrier to Universal PreK in Durham. This report was commissioned in our School Year 2022 Durham County Management Contract's Scope of Work in support of the Durham PreK Equity Plan. The Equity Plan identified access to before and after school care services (wrap care) as a barrier to enrollment in Durham PreK. This led CCSA to spend many months taking a deep look at the complex issues around extended care.

View the Quality Subcommittee's Standards of Participation here.

Quality Subcommittee Meeting Agendas and Notes